So as some of you might have heard, there is a change of hats happening. Our current webmaster is stepping down and I am taking her place. As always, I'm happy to help and would love to see this site live up to its potential. Some things that are coming include a new format for the site which will take a bit more of a broad focus and allow us to combine RPG communities and introduce a new forum request feature where we will create new rpgs if there is enough demand for one to be made. This site will also seek to partner with other rpg sites and bring their members into the fold allowing for new possibilities and rp styles and much more activity across all section of the forum. This will also provide other community features to make things more exciting whenever RP isn't happening as well. I'm excited to see this get off the ground and will be happening possibly at the start of the new year.
With all of these changes possibly happening, I would love to get everyone's input. I know you all have been very reluctant to post suggestions but I'm here to help. I will personally be looking at all of these suggestions and trying to come to a palpable solution for everyone. To all of our old members, please try and reach out as well and let's see if we can't the ghosts of past words and errors behind us and get back to enjoying what we do best, roleplaying and having fun. Feel free to either reply to this or send me a message and I will be handling this as much as I possibly can. I will be getting a new computer with some exciting new capabilities which I think can open a lot of doors that were previously closed for us.