Hello Hellsing Forum,
After several suggestions from various members of the board and a bit of Staff discussion, we've decided to revise the current grace period system enjoyed by all new characters. First off, we'll be lowering the grace period from two months down to one month. Based upon the level of skill that our happy little family displays (and the fact that we crack down on overly dickish behavior) we came to the conclusion that a month after a character is approved is plenty of time to find a groove in the forum is one is active.
The second revision we'll be making regards Slaughter Points while under the grace period. Since grace period characters cannot be killed, they have an unfair advantage while fighting other player characters. So, while grace characters still cannot be killed during their intro month they are unable to collect Slaughter Points from any player kills that they go after. Slaughter Points can still be earned by grace characters by going on Dungeon Master missions but, as always, the Dungeon Master can ignore the invincibility of grace characters.
We feel that through these changes, we can continue to protect new characters from unfair abuse while still keeping things fair for everyone.